
We are committed to innovation and digital transformation as a key factor for efficiency, quality and survival. We work on five key pillars: organizational culture, improvement of processes, data collection and processing, the evolution of our products and services and the creation of new business models.

Our five pillars

1. People

“Success lies in joint innovation”

Over 15hrs of innovation training per year for each employee in 2020, 13hrs of specific digital training for our business units, and the creation of a Digital Committee to set new challenges because we believe in a culture of innovation created by all of us.

2. Processes

“New technologies help us to be more efficient and increase our productivity”

We use innovative tools that allow us to optimize the company’s operational processes, encourage communication and facilitate the daily lives for our employees.

3. Data

“Data gives us key information about our customers and our business and helps us make better decisions”

We use digital tools to add value for our customers in every interaction with our company, to better understand the customer journey in our centres or to automate tasks through Business Intelligence.

4. Commercial platforms

“Customers want better, cheaper and more immediate productos”

We aim to offer a differential shopping experience, which is why we provide alternative sales channels for our customers in shopping centres, to facilitate online sales and promote customer loyalty. Our residential developments have their own microsite providing access to information for our homebuyers and a digital platform for personalizing properties.

5. Open Innovation

“New companies have emerged in the real estate sector that use technology to create novel ways of delivering products and services to customers”

We encourage use of the Proptech ecosystem, those new disruptive solutions that have a business application in Grupo Lar and the top-level talent that leads it. Through the Wonderful contest, collaborations with top-level organizations such as the CEOE or our Lartech vehicle for direct investment in startups, we provide useful resources to promote the technology that strengthens our industry and generates new business models.